
Category: Save Money

Save Money on Gasoline. 10 Hacks that Will Save You Money

Save Money on Gasoline. 10 Hacks that Will Save You Money

Can you imagine your life without a car? I realize in some major cities very few people own a car, but the odds are if you are reading this article, you aren’t one of them.  I can’t imagine life without my car. But how can we guarantee more miles per gallon, and save money on […]

10 Money-Saving LIFE HACKS to Try at Home

10 Money-Saving LIFE HACKS to Try at Home

Saving money at home can be simple and fun when you focus on creative DIY projects. Many of our Save Your Bucks members, get their kids involved on DIY money-saving projects and make these projects family fun times. 10 Money-Saving LIFE HACKS to Try at Home Life hacking is the art of solving common problems […]

6 Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bills

6 Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bills

In this article, we will share with you some of the easiest ways to save money on your utility bills. It can be as simple as installing aerators on your faucets, lowering the temperature of your water heater, sealing gaps under your door, slightly adjusting your thermostat and cleaning out your dryer lint trap more. […]